Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 Canvases Project

I recently had fun participating in a project called the 14 Canvas Project, hosted by Seattle Handmade.  14 Artists were given canvases and told to make something with it.  We were all challenged to "think beyond the canvas."

Opening night of the show was this past Saturday.  It was really fun to see all of the ways that the artists had interpreted this project.  Each piece was so different.

Personally, this was a big challenge for me.  I wanted to do something different than just paint my canvas.  I started by trying to cut out flower shapes from it.  I was not happy.  So I ended up covering the whole thing with tissue paper.  I didn't like it.  Finally, attempt number three was successful and I created this.

I wish I had taken pictures of the project along the way to show you how my piece evolved.  I was frustrated because I was stuck with this one canvas and couldn't start over.  At the same time, I was challenged to come up with new ways to work with what I have.

Another lesson I learned during this was pricing.  As I start selling more and more pieces of original art, I'm realizing it's really hard to price accurately.  How do you put a number on creativity?  All this is to say, I under-priced my piece and was a bit embarrassed to see the price point of the other pieces on display.  Lesson learned.

If you want to check out any of the pieces in person, they are on display at Luther's Table in Renton, WA.

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