Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Toddler Room Makeover

When we first moved into our house, I realized it was a great opportunity to re-do my daughter's bedroom.  She was moving from infancy to toddler-hood and I wanted to give her something a bit more bright and fun.  Well, only a year and a half after moving into our house, her room is done.  Tada!

I loved playing around with the contrasting colors of turquoise and hot pink.  My original inspiration came from a shirt she used to wear.  It was turquoise with pink, yellow, and lime green ruffles at the bottom.

Do you like how you can see my shadow in this picture?

One of my favorite areas in the room is this gallery wall.  I looked around for weeks to find enough matching pieces.  I found things at thrift stores, craft stores, and even things we already had.  I also made some original art (see my scripture art how-to here).

Since this picture was taken, I've added a picture of her baby brother :)

Covering up the baby monitor was a bit of a challenge, but my husband helped me hang lanterns up over the crib to help cover it up.  It's a video monitor so we needed to not restrict the line-of-sight. 

What do you think?  I am so pleased with how it turned out. 

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