Friday, April 18, 2014

Hedgehog in Love

For awhile now, I have been working on a series of ink and watercolor illustrations in which a hedgehog falls in love with a pincushion.   I'm not really sure where the idea came from, but once I imagined it, it seemed so obvious.

Their eyes meet across a crowded room.  The hedgehog is spiky.  The pincushion is spiky.  It was love.

Hedgehog Loves Pincushion

As any young couple does, they went on their first date.  To an amusement park.  I hope the seatbelts were big enough to fit around the pincushion...

First Date

On a sunny day, they decided to enjoy the great outdoors with a picnic.  Sadly, some ants mistook the pincushion for a real tomato and tried to spoil the day.

Picnic Disaster

After the picnic incident, they decided to stay indoors and see a movie, in 3D of course.  The hedgehog was the only one who ate the popcorn.

At the Movies

 Finally, the hedgehog decided to declare his love by carving their initials on a tree.  The pincushion was happy to help out with this.

Tree Love
That's their love story so far.  I've gotten some questions on whether I'll add to it or not.  I'm not sure yet.  I would like to leave it simple and uncomplicated (because really, let's not even consider their children).

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